Become a Private Investigator in Canada


Due to the large size of the country, you must become a Private Investigator in Canada by becoming licensed in the individual province you are a resident of. There does not exist an official federal Canadian Private Investigator course or Private Investigator training. To become a Private Investigator throughout Canada, you must obtain a PI license in each province. This is easier than you think. Once you obtain one full Private Investigator license in one province, you can use that license to obtain other provincial Private Investigator licenses and circumvent each province's Private Investigator licensing requirements.

Private Detective Aptitude Test

Canadian Private Investigator licensing requirements by province:

British Columbia






Nova Scotia


New Brunswick

Canadian PI Provincial Checklist

  1. You must be 19yo or older.

  2. You must have a clean criminal record.

  3. You have to take a government licensing course.

  4. You must obtain 2400hrs of experience with a PI beginner's license.


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